"The Blog Almost Too Boring To Be The Most Boring Blog in America ... for Over 5 Years!"

until it got too many red cards from Wounded Duck and the Boredom Enforcement Committee ... now the tortoise's goal is to get to 10 red cards so he can get Big Dog to drive down and take a good long walk with the tortoise

P. S. This blog listens to its readers. We have the Benjamin Category Override for 5+ mile walks and now, it humbles Tortoise to say he has been named "Lou", by Doug Jr, in memory of Mr. Consistency himself, Lou Gehrig. Tortoise can hardly type the words to think he is in any way comparable to the noble Iron Horse. Thank you!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Today the Tortoise and Terreeeblay offer you a renewed invitation to visit them on the first Series 4 walk on Saturday, April 23.

At 8 am that day, they will meet whoever would like to walk with them from Grandma's house (which Ethan has discovered Grandpa also lives at) up the trail to the top of the LaVerkin "L".

The tortoise loves RSVP's, so please let him know if you are planning to join him that morning, bright and early before the heat of the day sets in ...

If you're wondering what a Series 4 walk is, here are the enthusisastic comments from the February 5 post:  (Appropriately, that was the day the first tortoise marathon was completed ... you can read the full post here if you like:  http://terreeeblay.blogspot.com/2011/02/30.html#comments)

Benjamin said...

I love series 3! Great idea and sign me up for timpanogos. I don't know any camp sites but there is always my house if needed :) I'm sure there are lots because the popular thing to do for BYU students is climb up, camp and then finish early and watch the sunrise.

And I thought July was Whitney not Pine Valley? I'm game for both, lets try and include the Jacksons and Ragozzines

dougbeecher said...

I need Series 3 and 4 to prepare for Series HC ... named for cycling fans like you. The over 12,000 ft mountains are "beyond category" in this system. :)

Also I have the tradition of walking with my grandchildren and the red wagon in the July 4 parade ... so my current thought on seeing how far we can go on an HC walk by 14:00, then retracing my steps by dark is to tie into Labor Day weekend to maximize the possibility for people to walk with me while minimizing work conflicts.

Do I hear interest from the Jacksons and Ragozzines then? Exciting times!

Josh Beecher said...

Dad the Awes! First, let me say congratulations on your marathon completion, that is truly something to be proud of friend!! Second, thanks for the update on Series 3, 4 and HC...I'm excited to see where these take us.

As of right now, I'll try and be a part of as many Series 4 hikes I can, and am definitely interested in Timpanogos as well. Had no idea that mom was interested in this peak, so that's certainly an interesting twist to things. I know of campgrounds around the base, but I can look into the forest services' websites to see what kind of backcountry offerings they have available.

Benjamin, I sent you a message regarding the requested change from dad to move the Whitney trip to Labor Day weekend instead of the 4th, sorry if you didn't get it. I have talked with Doug now, and he's game for the Labor Day trip.


Oh yes, perhaps you are interested in today's walk:

Day 88 - I walked 2204 m (1.37 mi) with Terreeeblay at 2% grade in 32 min. I'm amazed how much the smiling old tortoise sweats doing this.
Series 2 total 83.09 miles in 31 hours 29 minutes.
See you Monday!


  1. I almost forgot ... Benjamin has made a request for reporting vertical feet climbed. So beginning today we have 44.09 m (144.64 ft) of recorded elevation gain. :)

  2. Thanks for the elevation gain! And fun look back at the comments, I never saw Josh's. What were the dates for Series 4 again?

    Unfortunately I am out on the 23rd :(
