"The Blog Almost Too Boring To Be The Most Boring Blog in America ... for Over 5 Years!"

until it got too many red cards from Wounded Duck and the Boredom Enforcement Committee ... now the tortoise's goal is to get to 10 red cards so he can get Big Dog to drive down and take a good long walk with the tortoise

P. S. This blog listens to its readers. We have the Benjamin Category Override for 5+ mile walks and now, it humbles Tortoise to say he has been named "Lou", by Doug Jr, in memory of Mr. Consistency himself, Lou Gehrig. Tortoise can hardly type the words to think he is in any way comparable to the noble Iron Horse. Thank you!

Saturday, October 31, 2015


Mile 898.  Happy Halloween!  Tortoise did walk today, in two segments.  First he parked his car at the Riverside trailhead just west of River Road in St. George, and walked from there to Josh and Megan's house on 1450 South.  Later, he walked with his grandchildren and watched while they trick or treated on a wonderful street in Santa Clara.  Pictured above was a fun projected light that made everyone glow with green dots.  There's pictures, and the usual fun, even a walking thought by Thomas S. Monson, when you click below to continue reading ...


Friday, October 30, 2015


Mile 895.  Lou parked his car at the Lowe's store across the street from the hospital and started walking while there was still daylight around the back side of the hospital, up Foremaster hill, along the river to River Road, and back up to the hospital to visit his mother who is being treated for pneumonia.  After a nice visit, he finished the small remaining portion of his loop walk.  You've got to be quick to get a picture of a deer who is running away, a rare sight in the city even along the river.  There are more pictures, a map, and today's walking thought by Henry B. Eyring waiting for you when you click below ...


Thursday, October 29, 2015


Mile 890.  Tortoise did a double loop walk today, sandwiched around a Special Needs Activity Program meeting in La Verkin this evening.  Lou started by parking at the west church building, then did a loop through Confluence Park.  After the activity, he then did a second "inner" loop.  It looks fun on the map, almost like a maze.  Almost.  For more pictures, a map, additional details, and today's walking thought by Dieter Uchtdorf, please click below to continue reading ...


Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Mile 884.  Country road, take me home ... the long way.  Tortoise decided to go farther south in Hurricane than he had ventured before, basically a loop walk passing by the Intermediate School.  For more pictures, a map with a hill climbing chart, other details, and the day's walking thought by Randall Bennett, please click below to continue reading ...


Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Mile 879.   Pictured above is Lou's turnaround point on today's 4.72 mile walk.  Be sure to wear shoes with good soles on them when descending Tortoise Track, it's steep, scenic, and filled with slick loose pebbles.  Please click below for more ...


Monday, October 26, 2015


Mile 874.  Tortoise had two appointments in St. George today.  After the first one Lou had a break, so he left his car where it was parked and headed out for a walk, after which he went to the second meeting.  The walk included parts of the Hilton Drive, Santa Clara River, Virgin River, and Bloomington Hills trails, plus a few blocks of city streets to connect to the trail system.  The clear weather and hilly terrain made for great picture taking conditions, so please click below to continue reading, and enjoy ...


Saturday, October 24, 2015


Mile 869.  Today's mission was to find a fun, hilly path to get from Coral Desert Rehabilitation at the bottom of Foremaster Hill in St. George to Golden Corral and time it as close as possible to a dinner date 1 hour 24 minutes away.  Lou has another nice selection of photos to show you the features of the route he chose ...


Friday, October 23, 2015


Mile 864.  Tortoise tried out a loop made up of multiple trails in the Highlands neighborhood of Coral Canyon this afternoon.  It started with a steep climb from the lower portion of Coral Canyon to the ridge, then followed with a loop that included both sides of Telegraph Road.  So, Lou got picture happy in every direction along the way.  Come see ...


Thursday, October 22, 2015


Mile 860.  As things turned out, this was almost the identical walk as yesterday, but before you attempt to convince the Boredom Committee to invent a green card so it can give one to the smiling Tortoise, consider how often one sees different things in the same places on a second look.  That doesn't convince you?  Well then, welcome to post 1040, something that would only mean something to a tax geek.  Tortoise has been asked for an encore of his 1,000th post, published on September 12. which Lou decided would be fun to attempt for post 1040.   Which of these walks intrigue you enough to want to do it yourself?


Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Mile 856.  This must be some kind of record, welcome, mind you, but a record all the same.  This is the seventh consecutive day that southern Utah has received notable amounts of rain.  Tortoise continues to be watchful for opportunities to walk, today, this meant waiting until the last 30 minutes of sunlight before beginning and walking by flashlight the last mile.  Lou can see, his concern is that others see him.  The air smells so wonderful, which made for a most pleasant walk ...


Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Mile 852.  On this fine day, Tortoise went to a continuing education seminar in St. George, and was hosting a youth gathering at his home, at his usual walking time, to watch a live "Face to Face" internet broadcast with The Piano Guys.  What a treat!  So, Lou went on a rare and glorious midweek midafternoon walk when the seminar ended.  He started at the Sullivan Virgin River Soccer Park in Washington and headed southwest on the Virgin River trail until its break at Riverside Drive.  He continued on Riverside Drive to Waterfront Drive, which is the picture you see above, shortly before the Virgin River trail resumes.  Tortoise got pictures of the trailhead, then looped back to Riverside Drive and returned to his starting point.

This was another day that Lou had a hard time choosing the lead picture, so you'll want to continue reading to see those, plus the day's walking thought by Robert Hales, and a couple Piano Guys tunes.  (It was hard to choose those too, but Tortoise thinks his choices will bring a smile to your face) ...


Monday, October 19, 2015


Mile 847.  The good Lord really is quite the artist, one who plays with the lighting along with hues of dirt, rocks, trees, clouds, and anything else He can find.  Let's highlight here this moment, there the next.  Please click below and see for yourself ...


Saturday, October 17, 2015


Mile 843.  Through the river ...

and over the woods ...

to Grandmother's house we go!

What, that isn't how the song goes?  Well it's how today's walk went.  You may remember about a month ago (September 19) Lou discovered that Chub Trace, one of the Confluence Park trails, fords the Virgin River.  Today was the appointed day to check it out this new way to approach the steep Tortoise Track hill, but it got iffy when we got a second day of intermittent rain.  A little after 6 pm, when a second hard rain ended, Tortoise decided to go for it.  Lou thinks it made for some especially nice picture taking conditions, why don't you let him know what you think ...


Friday, October 16, 2015


Mile 839.  Lou started out with the intent to explore the Church Rocks Trail today.  He parked his car at the Grapevine trailhead just north of exit 13 on Interstate 15 and headed up the Grapevine trail with the intent of then accessing the Church Rocks trail by way of the Prospector trail.  Tortoise got a phone call with an opportunity he was interested in about a half mile into the walk, so he turned around and left this planned walk for another day.  Later he took his brolly and did a LaVerkin walk in beckoning clouds that became intermittent rain.  With two walks in one day, you can be sure Lou had fun with his camera, come have a look ...


Thursday, October 15, 2015


Mile 835.  Tortoise survived the deadline day, then capped it off by taking a quick walk up the hill again while listening to inspiring words from Larry Lawrence ...


Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Mile 833.  Lots happening near Lou's office as he began his walk this evening.  The local Calvary Chapel is located next door, and the parking lot filled with folks going for midweek bible study.  Across from that are the pink lights in the newly planted trees of the Paparazzi building, and the brightly lit city office sitting above that.  Towering over it all behind the street light is East Cinder Knoll.  It's deadline eve, so Tortoise did a short walk up the hill to get his blood pumping before returning to his desk.  Lou's got a picture for you of the evening lights in the valley and the silhouette of Molly's Mountain (the locals may have a different name for it, but this seems more respectful) ...


Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Mile 831.  Tortoise walked the direct route to church this evening, then found a hill to climb to finish a winding loop home afterwards.  There's a picture highlighting the contrast between the shaded street and the sunset lit hillside among the features waiting for you when you click below to continue reading ...


Monday, October 12, 2015


Mile 828.  Pretty much every neighborhood near Tortoise's habitat have layered mountain views not too far away.  If you look above the right side of the house that is straight ahead in the picture, you will see a little knoll of a different color than the rest of the ridge.  That's because it's a couple thousand feet higher and ten or so miles distant, with a dip in the nearby ridge making the knoll visible.  Turn the corner and the view completely changes.  Makes Lou very happy as he walks.  You know there's more from him if you click below, see you there ... 


Saturday, October 10, 2015


Mile 824.  Quite the colorful cactus garden Tortoise passed on this evening's magical mystery walk on his way to get a dozen eggs.  After meandering three miles through the west side of La Verkin, he arrived at the market, got the eggs, and continued home.  A very nice way to spend an hour and change.  For the rest of the story, please click below ...


Friday, October 9, 2015


Mile 820.  When Tortoise passed 990 West after walking down the hill, this sight made him think of Jacob and his idyllic house plan books.  Even the wispy clouds seem to fit right in to this scene.  To find out which hill, see more of Lou's pictures, and read how Eva decided a summer with Aunt Rose was quite memorable after all, please click below to continue reading ...


Thursday, October 8, 2015


Mile 816.  Lou parked his car at the church an hour early for its Special Needs activity night, then started on a loop walk from there to spend a little time in Confluence Park.  Shown above is the view from the Confluence trail near its junction with the Virgin River trail (which fords the river to the left.  For more on that, visit Tortoise's June 14, 2014 walk).  Lou really enjoyed the contrasting colors in this one, hope you do too.  To see more of Lou's photography this day, please click below to continue reading ...


Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Mile 813.  Tortoise headed out a few minutes after 7 pm on his dependable loop up the hill from his office.  The contrast in lighting depending on which direction he looks always amazes him, for example, you will want to check Lou's next picture, taken 5 seconds after this one, the only difference being that he turned around and faced the other direction!  Please click below for that and more ...


Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Mile 810.  Lou meandered through the northeastern neighborhoods of La Verkin this evening, enjoying the new life brought by a couple days of welcome rain.  There was a high quality sunset along the way too, come check it out ...


Monday, October 5, 2015


Mile 806.  Today's steady rain tried valiantly to keep Lou from walking, but it let up around 7 pm.  Tortoise quickly put on a hat and carried an umbrella "just in case" and headed out to do a one mile loop walk twice.  That way he was never too far from shelter if it resumed as a downpour.  For more on Lou's adventures today, please click below to continue reading ...


Saturday, October 3, 2015


Mile 804.  Tortoise was blessed with family to visit him this weekend, and enjoyed time with them.  He did take a short walk near his home ... the picture above was his turnaround point ... twice, as he never let himself get too far away.  For more, please click below to continue reading ...

Friday, October 2, 2015


Mile 802.  Tortoise thinks this is a pretty special look at the Virgin River flowing through the east part of Confluence Park and of La Verkin sitting just above it.  Nice getting them both in the same picture on such a clear fall afternoon.  Lou actually had a hard time deciding whether to feature this picture or another one taken from the same spot at the same time in a different direction.  Please click below and let him know what you think ...


Thursday, October 1, 2015


Mile 797.  Guess you know the drill by now.  Tortoise goes to work, and when he's done, he finds some hill to climb near where he finds himself at day's end.  Lou gets out the camera and clicks away hoping one or two of them might be memorable in some way.  Today was a loop from the Dixie Regional Medical Center up Foremaster Hill, down the other side to where the Middleton Wash trail goes under Riverside Drive, then down that trail to the Virgin River Trail, which Tortoise took west to River Road.  At that point he returned to the St. George city streets, heading north to Foremaster Drive and east to his waiting motorized mode of transportation to take him home.  You're invited to join Lou on the other side and view his other pictures ...
