"The Blog Almost Too Boring To Be The Most Boring Blog in America ... for Over 5 Years!"

until it got too many red cards from Wounded Duck and the Boredom Enforcement Committee ... now the tortoise's goal is to get to 10 red cards so he can get Big Dog to drive down and take a good long walk with the tortoise

P. S. This blog listens to its readers. We have the Benjamin Category Override for 5+ mile walks and now, it humbles Tortoise to say he has been named "Lou", by Doug Jr, in memory of Mr. Consistency himself, Lou Gehrig. Tortoise can hardly type the words to think he is in any way comparable to the noble Iron Horse. Thank you!

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Went looking for a trail near my hotel on the Santa Ana - Tustin city border today, and was very excited to discover the Santa Ana River trail.   This is a cooperative effort of Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties, apparently still in process and is eventually intended to be a 110 mile trail from Big Bear Lake to the ocean at Huntington Beach.  Today I started near Warner Ave. and Harbor Blvd., went north as far as 1st Street, and then returned by taking the trail on the opposite side of the river.  That's right, most of the way there are actually two trails.

I especially like the picture above, typical of the colorful plants and flowers I saw and smelled on this 5.16 mile walk, on which I climbed 70 feet in 1:24:56 hours.  Tortoise rating:  6.7.  Calories burned:  837.  For a map and lots of pictures, please click below to continue reading.


Create Maps or search from 80 million at Humana Fit

2014 Stats:

250.13 miles walked, which is 25.01% of my 2014 goal.  I reached my first quarter goal with 3 walking days remaining in the quarter.  Tomorrow we will set out to continue for another quarter, one day at a time.  Thanks for your support!
79:07:28 hours walked, which is 25.28% of my 2014 goal
11,907 total feet climbed
40,295 calories burned
 23.64% of the year has passed
I've walked on 69 of the 74 non-Sundays thus far in 2014, a 93.24% consistency rating.

The purpose of the percentages is to have a higher percentage of distance and time walked than of the year. This tells me I am on track. I'm sure this is more numbers than you are interested in, all I can say is I'm really good at setting high goals and having them slip away because I don't do them every, every day.

The tortoise is smiling!


  1. This is righteous, and big congrats on dominating your first quarter goal, with 3 days to spare :) Love it. And the trail I've always wanted to do at home is the one I asked you abut that you can see from the side of the highway right after you pass Jacob's house before you hit the Walmart, it's just always intrigued me

  2. That's the one you will get then. I will give you a personal itinerary and you can use it to tell me how much of it you would like to do with me!
