It's the 15th, burned some more midnight oil. However, it slowed down around 9 pm, so while I was waiting for the last 2 people to call in with the information for their extensions, I headed out for a walk. They can call me just as well while I'm walking, right?
I took this picture of me and my tax form tie on my way out the door

and this one as I started walking down the road. 3.04 miles total with 49 feet climbed in 1:03:53 hours. Tortoise rating: 5.8; calories burned: 488. Please click below for a map and more ...
2014 Stats:
298.67 miles walked, which is 29.87% of my 2014 goal.
93:37:48 hours walked, which is 29.91% of my 2014 goal
13,926 total feet climbed
48,042 calories burned
28.75% of the year has passed
I've walked on 84 of the 90 non-Sundays thus far in 2014, a 93.33% consistency rating.
The purpose of the percentages is to have a higher percentage of distance and time walked than of the year. This tells me I am on track. I'm sure this is more numbers than you are interested in, all I can say is I'm really good at setting high goals and having them slip away because I don't do them every, every day.
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