Today's walk was 3.25 miles on the treadmill late at night. It had a 5.8 tortoise rating earned by climbing 343 feet at a steady grade of 2%. Average elevation was 640. This walk burned 531 calories. The best picture of the treadmill came at the end of a five minute cool down period, which wasn't included in the numbers shown above. :-) It was Tortoise's thirty-eighth 5k walk of 2016; the day's thought was by Tom Perry.
Weigh-in: 227.5, a 0.5 pound increase compared with Lou's last weigh-in on February 2.
Here are the overall stats so far for 2016:
237.35 miles walked, compared with Lou's goal for this date of 248.41 miles.
17,364 total feet climbed so far in 2016, compared to a year-to-date goal of 15,288. Lou hopes to climb more than the 61,316 feet he climbed in 2015 -- but in 16 minutes less each day than his 1:07:04 hour average in 2015. So far in 2016 Tortoise's walks have averaged 49:53 minutes each.
His average pace so far in 2016 has been 16:24 minutes per mile, slightly more tortoise like than his goal of 16:05 minutes per mile, but a noticeable difference from his 18:25 minute per mile pace in 2015.
Lou has walked 279 consecutive non-Sundays since his 8 missed days May 2-11, Overall he has walked on 382 of the 391 non-Sundays in 2015-16, a 97.70% consistency rating.
One step at a time can lead to great things!
And now for today's walking thought ...
"Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh, and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."
The tortoise is smiling!
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