"The Blog Almost Too Boring To Be The Most Boring Blog in America ... for Over 5 Years!"

until it got too many red cards from Wounded Duck and the Boredom Enforcement Committee ... now the tortoise's goal is to get to 10 red cards so he can get Big Dog to drive down and take a good long walk with the tortoise

P. S. This blog listens to its readers. We have the Benjamin Category Override for 5+ mile walks and now, it humbles Tortoise to say he has been named "Lou", by Doug Jr, in memory of Mr. Consistency himself, Lou Gehrig. Tortoise can hardly type the words to think he is in any way comparable to the noble Iron Horse. Thank you!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Mile 562.  Four deer grazing in the trees.  A block from home.  Tortoise was thrilled, especially because they let him get close before scampering off.  You'll see that picture presently.

Lou cut a mile off his walk this morning, passing through the shortest of the paths through Confluence Park.   Walking through this park always invigorates him, even when an unseen insect bores deep into the insides of his knuckles in the midst of his stride.  Whatever it was, a nasty stinging substance was left in Tortoise's hand.
It was still a most pleasant walk though.

Today's thought was by Paul Koelliker ...


And away they go!

It was hard choosing the lead picture today.
Lou went with variety from past offerings.

Today's walk was 2.68 miles, done in 56:58 minutes at an average pace of 21:15 minutes per mile. This route had an average tortoise rating of 3.8, earned by climbing 248 feet in the 1.00 mile uphill portion.  Average elevation was 3119.

Here are the overall stats so far for 2016:

562.21 miles walked, compared with Lou's goal for this date of 547.77. 

38,262 total feet climbed so far in 2016, compared to a year-to-date goal of 33,712.  Lou hopes to climb more than the 61,316 feet he climbed in 2015 -- but in less time each day than his 1:07:04 hour per day average in 2015.  So far in 2016, Tortoise's walks have averaged 58:02 minutes each.

His average pace so far in 2016 has been 17:45.3 minutes per mile, compared with his 18:25 minute per mile pace in 2015.

Lou has walked 373 consecutive non-Sundays since his 8 missed days May 2-11, 2015. Overall he has walked on 476 of the 485 non-Sundays in 2015-16, a 98.144% consistency rating.

And now for today's walking thought  ...

"The feeling of love from our Heavenly Father is like a gravitational pull from heaven.  As we remove the distractions that pull us toward the world and exercise our agency to seek Him, we open our hearts to a celestial force which draws us toward Him.  Nephi described its impact as 'even unto the consuming of [his] flesh' (2 Nephi 4:21).  This same power of love caused Alma to sing a 'song of redeeming love' (Alma 5:26; see also verse 9).  It touched Mormon in such a way that he counseled us to 'pray ... with all the energy of [our heart' that we might be filled with His love (Moroni 7:48)."

--  Paul E. Koelliker,  "He Truly Loves Us", LDS General Conference, April 2012

The tortoise is smiling!

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