"The Blog Almost Too Boring To Be The Most Boring Blog in America ... for Over 5 Years!"

until it got too many red cards from Wounded Duck and the Boredom Enforcement Committee ... now the tortoise's goal is to get to 10 red cards so he can get Big Dog to drive down and take a good long walk with the tortoise

P. S. This blog listens to its readers. We have the Benjamin Category Override for 5+ mile walks and now, it humbles Tortoise to say he has been named "Lou", by Doug Jr, in memory of Mr. Consistency himself, Lou Gehrig. Tortoise can hardly type the words to think he is in any way comparable to the noble Iron Horse. Thank you!

Saturday, September 6, 2014


Fun with photography!  These two pictures were taken 6 seconds apart at the same spot, only difference being the camera angle towards the rising sun, along this morning's 3.31 mile walk to work.  Tortoise climbed 214 feet in 1:03:07 hours along the 4.8 tortoise rated path.  Calories burned were 520.  For a map, today's thought from Howard W. Hunter, and more, please click below to continue reading ...


Create Maps or search from 80 million at MapMyFitness

2014 Stats:

712.18 miles walked, which is 71.15% of my 2014 goal.
225:12:44 hours walked, which is 71.95% of my 2014 goal
33,733 total feet climbed 
113,743 calories burned
68.37% of the year has passed

I've walked 23 consecutive non-Sundays since my last missed day on August 11, and overall have walked on 202 of the 214 non-Sundays thus far in 2014, a 94.39% consistency rating.

The purpose of the percentages is to have a higher percentage of distance and time walked than of the year. This tells me I am on track. I'm sure this is more numbers than you are interested in, all I can say is I'm really good at setting high goals and having them slip away because I don't do them every, every day.

Here's a thought from Howard W. Hunter that I heard while enjoying the beautiful morning on today's walk:

"As I think of the blessings God has given us and the many beauties of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I am aware that along the way we are asked to make certain contributions in return, contributions of time or of money or of other resources. These are all valued and all necessary, but they do not constitute our full offering to God. Ultimately, what our Father in Heaven will require of us is more than a contribution; it is a total commitment, a complete devotion, all that we are and all that we can be.
"Please understand that I do not speak only of a commitment to the Church and its activities, although that always needs to be strengthened. No, I speak more specifically of a commitment that is shown in our individual behavior, in our personal integrity, in our loyalty to home and family and community, as well as to the Church. Of course, all of these loyalties are interrelated and closely linked because it is the teaching and example of the Lord Jesus Christ that shapes our behavior and forms our character in all areas of our life—personally, within the home, in our professions and community life, as well as in our devotion to the Church that bears his name."

You can watch, listen to, or read the full speech by clicking here:  https://www.lds.org/general-conference/1990/04/standing-as-witnesses-of-god?lang=eng.  It has been fun finding personal connections to many of the people behind the thoughts I have been listening to.  In the case of Howard W. Hunter, I always enjoyed going down the hall to Sunday School class when visiting the Ragozzines in Pasadena, passing the stake offices on the way, and seeing his picture with their other past presidents.  The priesthood line of authority in our family passes through him, which makes it even more special ... I was ordained by my father who was ordained by Elder Hunter when he was newly released as stake president and called as an apostle.  In those days, apostles set apart new bishoprics, so when my father was called as first counselor to Bishop Cheney, it was Elder Hunter who received the assignment.

The tortoise is smiling!


  1. Had forgotten that our Priesthood line came through President Hunter, and made today's reading that much more powerful when his words address being totally committed to the Lord. Much of my studies as of late revolve around that idea that we are agents unto ourselves, and it is on our own shoulders to seek out and receive personal revelation that will guide us through life's paths. Elder Bednar states clearly that too many rely upon the church solely to govern their lives, and this is not the correct way.

    When I read the line from Pres Hunter on our commitment that is shown in our individual behavior and personal integrity, it made me think of Elder Nelson's talk from this past April Conference where he talks about Letting our Faith Show. There are many take-aways from the talk, but the one that came to mind was this:

    "Danger lurks when we try to divide ourselves with expressions such as 'my private life' or even 'my best behavior'. If one tries to segment his or her life into such separate compartments, one will never rise to the full stature of one's personal integrity - never to become all that his or her true self could be."

    The "total commitment" that President Hunter is much greater than simply going to church each Sunday; it is like he says, a requirement of "complete devotion".

    Thanks for awes recaps and thoughts from your journeys this past week, and I look forward to more from Dad the Awes' Tortoise adventures!! Love!

  2. It adds to the mix finding personal connections to these great speakers ... I believe you will enjoy what's coming next week (at least Monday, don't know the rest of the week until I get there one day at a time, tortoise style)

  3. I anxiously await Tortoise's offerings this week then!!

  4. Monday and Tuesday are live now ...
