"The Blog Almost Too Boring To Be The Most Boring Blog in America ... for Over 5 Years!"

until it got too many red cards from Wounded Duck and the Boredom Enforcement Committee ... now the tortoise's goal is to get to 10 red cards so he can get Big Dog to drive down and take a good long walk with the tortoise

P. S. This blog listens to its readers. We have the Benjamin Category Override for 5+ mile walks and now, it humbles Tortoise to say he has been named "Lou", by Doug Jr, in memory of Mr. Consistency himself, Lou Gehrig. Tortoise can hardly type the words to think he is in any way comparable to the noble Iron Horse. Thank you!

Friday, July 24, 2015


Mile 599.  Tortoise had a very full and most enjoyable Pioneer Day, starting with the pictured activities above in LaVerkin and ending in the evening with activities pictured later in this post in Springdale.  In between he took an energetic walk from his office a ways down Tortoise Track trail in Confluence Park and back.


Starting with the traditional pioneer themed parade

Followed by a pancake breakfast and group activities in the park.

Then on to Springdale for dinner, music, and activities in their park.

The walk was Wounded Duck approved (lots of climbing) as well!
Tortoise completed today's 4.85 mile walk in 1:23:39 hours.  Tortoise ratings was 4.8, with 713 calories burned along the way.  

And here are the overall stats so far for 2015:

599.40 miles walked, which is 59.82% of Lou's 2015 goal. On this day in 2014, Tortoise had walked 584.56 year-to-date miles.   

184:00:15 hours walked, which is 58.79% of the 2015 goal (which is to walk 1 hour a day on the 313 days other than Sunday in the year)

29,039 total feet climbed, compared with 27,263 feet on this day in 2014.  

89,845 calories burned

56.23% of the year has passed

Lou has walked 64 consecutive non-Sundays since his 8 missed days May 2-11. Overall he has walked on 167 of the 176 non-Sundays in 2015, a 94.89% consistency rating, compared with 165 after 176 non-Sundays in 2014 (which was a 93.75% consistency rating).

The purpose of the percentages is to have a higher percentage of distance and time walked than of the year. This tells Tortoise that he is on track. Yes, this is more numbers than you are likely interested in, all Tortoise can say is he's really good at setting high goals and having them slip away because he doesn't do them every, every day.  (If you doubt this, compare Tortoise's 2013 walking record with 2014 ... for him, it is what it takes to be consistent. And Tortoise feels much more vibrant when he is consistent.  He hopes you find what works for you)

The tortoise is smiling!

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