Mile 90. Lou is back at work at the Hurricane office, here's a view as he started his evening walk up the hill. It was quite windy, which made for sparkling skies! Today's walking thought is by Tom Perry ...
Today's walk was 2.63 miles and had a 4.7 tortoise rating earned by climbing 185 feet in the 1.32 mile uphill portion. Average elevation was 3285. This walk burned 389 calories in 46:53 minutes, a pace of 17:50 minutes per mile.
Here are the overall stats so far for 2016:
90.12 miles walked which is 13.19% of Lou's 2016 goal of 683 miles. His goal for this date is 71.78 total miles.
24:22:31 hours walked which is 11.64% of the 2016 goal (which is to walk 40 minutes a day on the 314 days other than Sunday in the year).
7,251 total feet climbed so far in 2016, compared to a year-to-date goal of 6,468. Lou hopes to climb more than the 61,316 feet he climbed in 2015 -- but in 40 minutes, rather than an hour daily.
14,512 calories burned.
10.51% of the year has passed.
Lou has walked 234 consecutive non-Sundays since his 8 missed days May 2-11, Overall he has walked on 337 of the 346 non-Sundays in 2015-16, a 97.40% consistency rating.
The purpose of the percentages is to have a higher percentage of both distance and of time walked than of the year. This tells Tortoise that he is on track. And of course, he also wants to keep the Boredom Committee supplied with plenty of boring numbers so those good folks will be happy ...
And now for today's walking thought ...
" ... I immediately thought of a wonderful Primary teacher. Her great desire was to prepare us to be worthy of receiving the priesthood. ... she also made us a promise -- if all of us could recite the thirteen Articles of Faith by memory, we could choose the place and go on an outing for our last class.
"We decided on a special spot we liked to hike on the rocky slopes just above the first dam at the entrance of Logan Canyon ... There was a small, flat space in these rocky cliffs that had a natural fireplace where you could cook hot dogs and roast marshmallows. When we chose the location, however, we did not consider our teacher, who was older and certainly not the athletic type. If we had thought about it more carefully, it might have occurred to us that she would have a difficult time making the hike. Her promise was her bond, however, and she gamely followed us.
" ... With some help our teacher made it up the hill ... After we arrived, it took our teacher a little while to catch her breath. By the time we prepared to sit down and eat, she had recovered enough to teach us our final lesson. She told us how she had enjoyed teaching us in Primary for the last two years. She complimented us on how we had mastered the Articles of Faith. ... Then she said memorizing the Articles of Faith would mean nothing more than a lot of words unless we understood the doctrines and principles contained in them.
"My Primary teacher instilled in me a determination to study the doctrines of the kingdom. She taught me to seek the deep meaning contained in these simple Articles of Faith. She promised me that if I would invest in learning these sacred truths, the knowledge I acquired would change my life for the better, and I testify to you that it has."
-- L. Tom Perry, "The Doctrines and Principles Contained in the Articles of Faith", October 2013 LDS General Conference
Tortoise was blessed with a Primary teacher of his own who made a similar impact on him, for which he is eternally grateful.
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