"The Blog Almost Too Boring To Be The Most Boring Blog in America ... for Over 5 Years!"

until it got too many red cards from Wounded Duck and the Boredom Enforcement Committee ... now the tortoise's goal is to get to 10 red cards so he can get Big Dog to drive down and take a good long walk with the tortoise

P. S. This blog listens to its readers. We have the Benjamin Category Override for 5+ mile walks and now, it humbles Tortoise to say he has been named "Lou", by Doug Jr, in memory of Mr. Consistency himself, Lou Gehrig. Tortoise can hardly type the words to think he is in any way comparable to the noble Iron Horse. Thank you!

Saturday, February 28, 2015


Mile 192.  Late Saturday afternoon walk along the San Gabriel River trail during a brief interlude in a stormy day.  It really felt good!  There is a plentiful array of pictures awaiting you when you click below to continue reading, along with a map, other details, and today's walking thought by Thomas S. Monson ...


Friday, February 27, 2015


Mile 187.  Arrived in southern California to welcome rain today, which clogged the freeways sufficiently that Google Maps directed Tortoise to city streets part of the way.  That routing took Lou by this throwback burger sign that kind of summed up the whole day.  He did get a walk in near his hotel later on, for more on that and today's walking thought by James Faust, please click below to continue reading ...


Thursday, February 26, 2015


Mile 185.  Tortoise found him a challenging hill to climb less than 10 minutes from his office after work.  The hill rewarded Lou with some terrific scenic views, please click below to enjoy several more pictures, along with a map and details and the day's walking thought by Joe J. Christensen ...


Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Mile 181.  Tortoise sends greetings from rugged Beaver Dam, Arizona, where he stopped for a loop walk 8 miles before reaching his appointments in Mesquite.  For several more pictures you will enjoy, along with some that the Boredom Committee is considering issuing a warning about for excessive display of sagebrush, plus other factoids and today's walking thought by Bruce Hafen, please click below to continue reading ...


Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Mile 176.  Did a lunch loop after a work meeting.  Made a loop from the Riverside Drive trailhead just west of River Road, going up the Virgin River Trail to the Middleton Wash Trail back up to Riverside Drive, then got a hill in by climbing Foremaster using the sidewalk, then down to River Road and back to the starting point.  For more pictures, details, and today's walking thought by Neal Maxwell, please click below to continue reading ...


Monday, February 23, 2015


Mile 172.  This is the sight Tortoise was greeted to early this morning.  Spring trying to manifest itself early while Winter makes a valiant effort to carry on. Beautiful.  By early evening, Tortoise found himself in St. George, by which time Winter had made a full retreat and Lou had a delightful walk along the Virgin River Trail from the Riverside Drive trailhead.  For pictures of that, more details, and a Virginia Pearce walking thought dedicated to Becca, please click below to continue reading ...


Saturday, February 21, 2015


Mile 168.  Tortoise wanted a little extra hill climbing for his Saturday walk, so he headed up to the beginning of the Canal Trail in the Hurricane Cliffs Trail System.  For more pictures, details, and today's walking thought by Bonnie Parkin, please click below to continue reading ...


Friday, February 20, 2015


Mile 163.  Tortoise loves the fact that the wide open spaces are so closely accessible to him.  Today he took a lunch walk from his office up the hill past Valley Academy, across 600 North, and entered the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve on the trail to West Cinder Knoll.  The video clip above is the panoramic view from the top of the knoll.  After enjoying the view, Lou retraced his steps to his office.  For another picture, bonus material, and today's walking thought by Susan Warner, please click below to continue reading ...


Thursday, February 19, 2015


Mile 159.  Today featured a loop walk originating from Hafen Trailhead Park.  It included part of the Virgin River Trail, and was done in between work appointments in Mesquite.  For more pictures and details, along with a walking thought by Mack Lawrence, please click below to continue reading ...


Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Mile 156.  Tortoise split today's walk into two segments.  The first was early in the morning along the Marvin Braude Trail near the Los Angeles airport, the second was near sunset up the Mount Everest Trail in Washington, Utah.  For more pictures and details, along with today's walking thought by Carlos Asay, please click below to continue reading ...


Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Mile 151.  A high quality Tortoise walk to pass 150 miles for the year.  Another five mile walk where the terrain was hilly enough for a 4.6 Tortoise rating without the need for a Benjamin category override.  We get some fifty year old Tortoise history while we are at it, in a location that when the Pacific Crest Trail was later established, passes through.  It's known for being a good filming location, and Lou had to wait for a film crew to clear the road when the walk was complete and he headed to his next appointment.

There are over seventy pictures waiting for you and other details of today's walk, along with a classic walking thought by Gordon Hinckley, when you click below to continue reading ...


Monday, February 16, 2015


Mile 146.  Tortoise was excited to learn of the birth of his newest grandchild, Ruby Lou Jackson, today on Doug Jr.'s birthday no less!  He also worked in two walks between tax appointments in California today.  The first was a little less than a mile in Tehachapi, Kern County, followed by a little more than two miles at the end of the day in Lancaster, in the Antelope Valley of Los Angeles County.  For a couple more pictures, other details, and today's walking thought by James Faust, please click below to continue reading ...


Saturday, February 14, 2015


Mile 143.  Tortoise walked the really long scenic way to work on a lonely Saturday with his sweet lady still gone to the frozen land to the East.  Down to the Virgin River on the Confluence View Trail, then back up by way of Tortoise Track.  For more pictures and detail, along with today's walking thought by Eugene Hansen, please click below to to continue reading ...


Friday, February 13, 2015


Mile 138.  Tortoise desired 4 miles of walking after work in St. George, with only enough time for half of that in daylight.  That meant choosing a path where the second half would be on lit city streets.  So ... Lou parked at the Riverside Drive trailhead and walked a little over a mile down the Millcreek and Virgin River Trails, then retraced his steps.  Following that he climbed the Foremaster hill, passed the hospital, then reclimbed the hill to return.

For more pictures and details, along with today's walking thought by F. Burton Howard, please click below to continue reading ...


Thursday, February 12, 2015


Mile 133.  Walked home tonight, with a stop at Special Needs Mutual on the way!  There are more pictures and detail waiting for you, including today's walking thought by Earl Tingey when you click below to continue reading ...


Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Mile 129.  After a lunch meeting in St. George, Tortoise went to the south end of the Virgin River Trail for a pleasant, sunny, afternoon walk.  There's lots more pictures and detail waiting for you, including today's walking thought by Chieko Okazaki when you click below to continue reading ...


Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Mile 124.  Two walks today.  First one was a short loop near the office pictured above.  The second was from the house up Main Street to the church and back. Total of both was 4.17 miles.  For more, including today's walking thought by Durrel Woolsey and a surprise, please click below to continue reading ...


Monday, February 9, 2015


Mile 120.  Great picture of my nephew Sam riding well in front of Steve and I.  Marnie and the girls were with us as well.  A beautiful day to enjoy walking together!  We walked a couple miles along the Virgin River Trail up from Washington's Sullivan Soccer park, then returned.  For more on this, and today's walking thought by Lynn Mickelsen, please click below to continue reading ...


Saturday, February 7, 2015


Mile 116.  Tortoise is lonely, missing his sweet lady who is far away in the frozen tundra of Boston doing good things with our family.  After a weekend day fighting the tax preparation wars, Lou headed out for a walk with a little bonus length -- from the office down to the Virgin River, then back up the steep Tortoise Track hill (that's the real name of the trail!) on his way to complete this scenic loop.  It was a nice time of day to capture some pictures, so please click below to keep reading, then let our friend Tortoise know which of them is your favorite.   Thank you and ...


Friday, February 6, 2015


Mile 110.  Lou decided to follow up yesterday's La Verkin loop by doing a larger, 3.91 mile version of it this evening after enjoying dinner with his ward family.  For more on this walk, plus today's walking thought by Thomas Monson, please click below to continue reading ...


Thursday, February 5, 2015


Mile 106.  Another two walk day!  The first was less than a mile with a steep climb and remarkable views in St. George between appointments.  The second was a traditional 3.23 mile La Verkin loop in the evening.  For more on these walks, including more pictures, today's walking thought by Harold G. Hillam, and other fun highlights of the day, please click below to continue reading ...


Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Mile 102.  Tortoise had work appointments along the way home from California today, and got a couple short walks done nestled between the work.  The first was 2.12 miles on city streets in Mesquite, Nevada; the second was 2.15 miles on the Chuckawalla Trail, just off busy highway 18 a very short distance north of St. George, Utah.  Amazing how such serenity can exist so near so much activity!

For more on these walks, including a generous sampling of pictures and today's walking thought by Ted E. Brewerton, please click below to continue reading ...


Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Mile 98.  Tortoise discovered the North Etiwanda Preserve on a beautiful afternoon today.  It's easy to find, just take the Day Creek exit 61 off the 210 freeway and head uphill until it ends at Etiwanda Avenue.  Turn left and in a short distance Etiwanda Avenue ends in a gravel parking lot for the preserve.  There are several trails available here.  The main trail is a loop that Lou completed in 4.29 miles including a few picture-taking detours along the way and a nice steady hill to climb.  The good doctor would approve!

For more on this walk, including lots of pictures and today's walking thought by Bruce D. Porter, please click below to continue reading ...


Monday, February 2, 2015


Mile 93.  Walked the final 3.16 miles of the Pacific Electric Trail (at least for now) from Tokay in Fontana to Maple on the Rialto border, then retraced my steps. It was a 10k walk, and a little extra, if you prefer metric measurements.  This completes Tortoise's walk of the entire trail from the Claremont-Montclair line to the Fontana-Rialto line, done both directions for a round trip distance of 36 miles. 

For more on this walk, including plentiful pictures and today's walking thought by Janette Hales Beckham, please click below to continue reading ...
